Wednesday, January 6, 2010


today is blah.....just sitting here on a leopard print couch with jewelry and knockoff purses all around me....with nothing to that is my kind of job!!!!

i got to see the tail end of the biggest loser last night. while i was watching them weigh in i was like!!!! those are some big folks!!! then i looked in the mirror and realized i am one of them!!! what the hell?!?!?!??!?!?! i need to get a grip on reality!!!!!

i got the power 90 workouts but havent started them...kind of scared because they are gonna be hard core for me....but i guess that is the point?!?! i made a rocking tomato based soup the other day in my Healthmaster....which i love!!!! all it had in it was 4 tomatoes, half a green squash, half an onion, about 10 baby carrots, about half of a green bell pepper and some was delish...i ate it with a couple of corn tortillas. i finally finished it i need to try something else....hmmmm....what to do what to do???

i watched twilight last night for the gazillionth time...but it never gets old....i love edward and bella...they are my friends...i think about them often and wonder how they are doing....i wonder if they ever think of me....yes i have lost touch with reality!!!

i wish someone would come in the store and buy something...the more that sells the more i make....why isnt anyone here?????? maybe it is too soon after christmas for people to be spending their money....damn economy!!!!!

well, since i am just rambling i will sign off now....peace in the middle east!!!!!!